
Pasadena : Rules for Market Modified

Concern over the proposed expansion of Jurgensen’s Market at 842 E. California Blvd. prompted residents of Madison Heights to flock to City Hall Tuesday to urge the Board of Directors to uphold 13 conditions earlier imposed on the development by the Board of Zoning Appeals.

The upscale market is being expanded from two stories to three to house a grocery store, restaurant and office space. The market’s developer, Ken McCormick, objected to many of the conditions, which include restrictions on restaurant seating, outdoor lighting, delivery hours and wine tastings.

Directors voted to modify 12 conditions, but McCormick lost his his bid to lift a condition that limited wine tastings in the store to two per year. He said the wine tastings now will be moved to the restaurant, in which unrestricted tastings are allowed under state liquor license laws.
