
Crime Hits Home for Mock’s Wife

The problems of crime struck home for Torrance City Councilman Tim Mock on Friday when his wife’s purse was snatched from inside their house as she unloaded groceries from her car.

Colleen Mock told police that she first saw the thief standing in front of a liquor store at Crenshaw Boulevard and 166th Street, about one block from her house, as she drove home from the store about 8 p.m., and that he apparently followed her from there.

Mock, chairman of the council’s Public Safety Committee, said his wife had carried one load of groceries and her purse into the house, closed the door and returned to the car for more when she heard her daughter yelling about a strange man in the house.


Colleen Mock ran back in time to see the man she had noticed in front of the liquor store running out her front door with her purse in his hand.
