

JUICE by Robert Campbell (Pocket: $4.95). Loan sharks on L.A.’s diciest streets corner an attorney, a vice cop, his ex-girlfriend and a pretentious politician.

LOVE AND DUTY by Judith Henry Wall (Ivy: $4.95) Follows the lives of three Texas women, beginning in the 1930s, as they try, fail and succeed at marriage, child-rearing and careers.

BLACK-EYED SUSANS/MIDNIGHT BIRDS: Stories by and About Black Women, edited by Mary Helen Washington (Anchor: $12.95). Combined critical anthology is a treasure trove of post-’60s work, including that of three Pulitzer Prize winners.


A SEASON IN HELL by Jack Higgins (Pocket: $5.50). An ex-Special Air Services sergeant and the determination imbued by Sarah Talbot’s genteel background are her guides through the barbarous underworld she must travel to find the murderer of her stepson.

SLOW DANCING by Elizabeth Benedict (Bantam: $7.95). Ten years out of college, two women begin to examine the pact they made on careers and romantic commitment.


GOLDA: The Romantic Years by Ralph G. Martin (Ivy: $5.95). The first full biography of the Milwaukee schoolteacher who rose to be Israel’s prime minister in 1969.


THE BOY WHO COULDN’T STOP WASHING by Judith L. Rapoport, M.D. (Plume: $8.95). Study of people afflicted with obsessive-compulsive disorder, manifested by incessant acts of balancing, checking or washing.

REINVENTING THE WHEELS: Ford’s Spectacular Comeback by Alton F. Doody and Ron Bingaman (Perennial: $8.95). Both the Taurus and the Sable were the result of a new, more systematic style of management that paid off financially for the floundering auto maker.

AMERICA’S SECRET ARISTOCRACY by Stephen Birmingham (St. Martin’s: $4.95). Birmingham makes us privy to some of the reasons the rich are different from you and me.


FAST FADE: David Puttnam, Columbia Pictures, and the Battle for Hollywood by Andrew Yule (Delta: $12.95). Examination of Puttnam’s short(est) tenure as the head of this studio.


PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS & TRADEMARKS by Frank H. Foster and Robert L. Shook (John Wiley & Sons: $17.95). Contains history, explanations, presentation techniques, search procedures and forms necessary to understand and use the laws to protect your creation.

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME: The Hidden Epidemic by Jesse A. Stoff, M.D., and Charles R. Pellegrino, Ph.D. (Perennial: $8.95). Examination and suggested treatments for the disease that renders its victims inexplicably listless.
