
The Scene: A reception, question-and-answer session and...

The Scene: A reception, question-and-answer session and screening of quintuple Oscar-winner “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” at the Directors Guild, as part of the American Cinematheque’s weekend salute to director Milos Forman. Czechs and cast members stood out in the crowd by correctly pronouncing his name ME-losh.

Who was there: Forman; cast members Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Louise Fletcher and Vincent Schiavelli; screen writer Bo Goldman; co-producer Saul Zaentz; guests Jennifer Tilly and Meg Tilly, Ed Begley Jr., Andrea Marcovicci; directors Alan Parker and Henry Jaglom; producers Lester Persky (who made Forman’s “Hair”) and David Foster.

The Buzz: That DeVito is now a hotter director, at least commercially, than Forman.

Dress Mode: Film Student Casual meets Film Industry Casual--sweaters and Levi’s versus Versace and Armani. There was also the Pallor and the Glory aspect to it, with the industry types having, as usual, better tans than screen buffs.

Money Matters: At $5, this was a great deal--a classic film, insights from its makers and parking only $1. But the reception was for VIPs only.


Chow: Abacus donated a buffet of “California-Chinese” cuisine finger-food--shrimp, beef and vegetable rolls.

Triumphs: Getting Nicholson not only to attend the reception but to schmooze. When was the last time you saw Jack at a public event sans free throws, Chick Hearn and Paula Abdul’s former colleagues?

Glitches: Nicholson skipped the post-screening Q&A.; But he did answer questions at the reception and says there is no “Batman II” in his future.

Quoted: “Milos says that 75% is the script, 20% is the casting and the rest is automatic,” Nicholson said. Fletcher observed of Forman: “He told me that a movie is broken up into four equal parts--writing, casting, shooting and editing. He probably says a different thing to everybody just to keep them confused.” Said Forman: “I don’t remember saying either of these things.”


Observed: As Nicholson had his picture taken with the sisters Tilly, he pinched both of their rears.
