
Fractured Mirror Uses a Scripted Approach to Orange County Humor

The Saturday debut of the Orange County Crazies does not mark the first attempt at establishing a local comedy troupe. Fractured Mirror, a six-member team that makes the L.P.R. Dinner Theatre its home, has been playing the county for six years now.

Trisha Burson, a member of Fractured Mirror, said her troupe is different from the Crazies. Her group’s material is almost entirely scripted, for instance, and the topics range beyond the county.

“We say that we do a splash of improv,” Burson said. “We run the gamut from very silly to some serious pieces.”


Burson said there is room in the county for two comedy groups: “Orange County is really starting to expand its awareness of the performing arts.”

Fractured Mirror took December off from performing to write new material. The group plays in Long Beach this weekend and plans to return to the L.P.R. in early February.
