
Exporting Morals to East Europe

“No Place for Raging Capitalism,” by Lucy Komisar (Op-Ed Page, Jan. 2) articulated my own sentiments regarding the political evolution in Eastern Europe.

It seems to be a forgone conclusion among many Americans that the collapse of totalitarian communism in Eastern Europe will invite full-blown American-style capitalism. I doubt it. Our glaring economic, health and educational inequality, coupled with violent crime, is not envied by a majority of Eastern Europeans. Despite America’s proclivity for furious flag waving, it is now evident not all Europeans are wholly impressed.

However, social democracy (i.e., Sweden) can provide Eastern Europeans political and personal freedoms while maintaining a responsible level of social benefits. The general consensus now seems to indicate gravitation toward social democracy among Eastern Europe’s new leaders. A possible result could be the potential assimilation of these countries into an economically unified Europe.



