
Exporting Morals to East Europe

Komisar editorializes that the fall of communism in Eastern Europe will taint the Western democracies with a new ersatz socialism as Eastern Europe rebuilds.

An irresponsible Komisar supports this new socialism and endorses higher taxes to pay for it. However, the Thatcher-Reagan economic revolution has demonstrated the value of lower taxes in stimulating economic growth under capitalism.

Moreover, the people of the West have consistently voted against higher taxes, even if this meant trimming social programs.


Komisar supports a nationalized health service paid for with more taxes. In doing so she gives no credit to the American revolution in self-responsibility, demonstrated through a reduction of smoking, drinking and high-fat diets.

She would openly encourage a government-run health service, that as Medi-Cal, the Veterans Hospital system and Eastern European medicine have all frankly demonstrated, would provide an inferior quality that Americans will not tolerate.

The lessons of history are lost on this mistaken journalist, who fails to see the blight that socialism has wrought on individual responsibility and self-development.



Newport Beach
