
Disclosure of Regents’ Landholdings Proposed

Under a rule proposed Thursday, members of the UC Board of Regents and their relatives will be required to disclose their real estate holdings on or near sites of finalists to become a UC campus.

Regent Roy Brophy, who authored the proposal, said it is aimed at assuring that the site-selection process is “above reproach.” The full board is expected to approve the rule today. It would become effective when the list of sites for a new campus narrows to eight to 10.

The disclosure proposal was prompted by recent news reports that relatives of Regent Leo Kolligian acquired interest in 755 acres next to a possible UC site in northern Merced County. Kolligian, a Fresno lawyer and land investor, has denied any connection between the search for a UC site and the land purchases.


Kolligian voted for the proposed new disclosure rule and offered to give the regents a map of his family’s sizable landholdings.
