
Proposition 73 and Bill Press

I am delighted to find a kindred soul who deplores scofflaw Press and his smarmy approach to being elected to represent you and me in the powerful post of insurance commandant and I ask what it takes to give this two-bit election rule bender the heave-ho before he does some real damage?

A desirable scenario might be this: Somehow Press and Assemblyman Tom Hayden (D-Santa Monica), both opting for the office, are put face-to-face in a TV debate. The farce of it would shatter all records of duplicitous politics and demagoguery, as well as provide a unique stand-up comedy act.

In reality, it is sad and futile that naive election laws are passed with the fervent hope they will change things, end forever these tainted political practices and discourage unqualified, egocentric power-mongers from seeking office.


Nevertheless, Turovsky might take heart. With his ongoing biased TV commentary on such subjects as the death penalty, and suggesting the next execution be publicly televised, Press ultimately should self-destruct!


Manhattan Beach
