
TV Reviews : Traffic Nightmares in ‘Mind Over Motoring’

Southern Californians only need to look as far as the bumper of the slow-moving car in front of them to get the point of “Mind Over Motoring,” airing at 9 tonight on KCET Channel 28.

This latest episode of KCET’s public-affairs series “By the Year 2000,” a half-hour look at attempts to get solo commuters out of their vehicles, touches on a problem that seems to be getting worse. Experts predict that within 10 years, our commuting time--already at a snail’s pace--will double.

Producer Patrick Perez has split “Mind” into two parts, the first much more successful than the second.


“Mind Over Motoring’s” first half showcases successful private and corporate programs already in place at such companies as 20th Century Insurance and Hughes Aircraft. These companies are among the few offering workable choices, in part because tax incentives hinder efforts to set up effective car-pooling: Parking lots, for instance, are deductible; ride-sharing programs are not.

The second half switches gears somewhat to examine telecommuting--working at home via computer, fax machine, video link-ups and other accouterments of the electronic age. There is heavy discussion of the pros and cons of this phenomena, but little convincing evidence to show that it is a viable option in the near future.

“Mind Over Motoring” has more than a few blind spots. There is more to the transportation issue than telecommuting and ride-sharing--public transportation and staggered work hours, to name a few areas left unexplored. Even so, the program is worth a look because this is one issue that is not going to go away in Los Angeles, the real Motor City.
