
Jury’s Not Guilty Verdict in McMartin Pre-School Case

I see many adults in psychotherapy, who have been molested as children. As they’ve come in, they’ve been stunned by the McMartin verdict. As their shock has lifted this is what some of them say:

1) Why do the takers and users always win?

2) What a moral victory for immorality.

3) The real victim here is trust.

4) The Empress of Justice has no clothes and is being fondled--and she’s even more defenseless than we thought because she’s blind underneath her blindfold.

5) My anger at justice for not doing its job is giving way to despair that it doesn’t have the capacity to do its job.


6) Do you know what real terror is? Knowing you have to depend and rely on people that you know are undependable and unreliable.

7) There goes another crack in the system that you could drive a truck through.

8) I guess justice isn’t cost-effective.

9) Maybe the jurors were more concerned with being accused of being unobjective than unjust.

10) (From a news reporter) Holy S--- ! How am I going to report this one objectively? Oh well, I ain’t no Walter Cronkite and he cried over Kennedy.



Los Angeles
