
Moynihan’s Plan to Cut Payroll Tax

The Times’ editors have obviously fallen for the Bush Administration’s bait and switch routine regarding the rollback of Social Security payroll taxes. The Social Security surplus is being used to operate the government, and as such amounts to deficit spending. Some of these surplus funds coincidentally go to current recipients, but most of the money is intended for the “general purposes of government,” as Moynihan said. Depriving the budget-makers of these funds does not threaten those currently receiving Social Security benefits. That accusation is plain and simple demagoguery.

Using the Social Security payroll tax as a substitute for federal withholding tax must represent every wealthy American’s fondest dream, the abolishment of the graduated income tax. Now is the time for taxpayers (us little people) to show President Bush that the more “will than wallet” argument cuts two ways. The current Administration and members of Congress who support the raid on this fund are no better than racketeers. We should restore true fiscal conservatism, and a rollback of FICA payroll taxes is a good start.


