
Amtrak Link

Let’s not give up on Canadian transcontinental train service yet (“No More Canadian Choo-Choo,” editorial, Jan. 20). In the East, Amtrak already serves Toronto and Montreal from major American cities; and several West Coast trains, including the Coast Starlight, offer motor coach service from Seattle to Vancouver for their passengers at the end of the ride. Why not complete the arc by having Amtrak take over the train service from Vancouver to Toronto and Montreal?

What legal reason would stand in the way? Canada itself has a small population. The large population in the U.S. could be targeted to ride it. Undoubtedly, very few Americans knew about the Canadian train until it went out of business. As part of the Amtrak system, this route would receive wider publicity in the American market. I believe the Canadian train would prove to be nearly as popular as the California Zephyr train ride.


