
Messages and Signals From the World of Rap

An open letter to Mr. Carlton Ridenhour (Chuck D.):

I feel compelled to respond to your idiotic theorizing concerning the precepts of “white America” (“Chuck D.--The Interview”).

But first, I would like to convey how eagerly I await your next album, “Fear of a Black Planet,” so you can “talk about what Caucasians believe about themselves.” Who is more qualified to speak on such a subject than yourself? Perhaps guided by your knowledgeable insight, we whites could then denigrate ourselves, relieving you of the awesome burden.

Now, as a white male (and former fan), I would like to ask how dare you consider yourself non-racist while you constantly sprinkle your dialogue with “white boy”? I don’t appreciate being called “boy” any more than I assume you would.


Please, Mr. Ridenhour, in the future, do the world a favor and not refer to yourself as non-racist and an intellectual in the same breath. It’s quite apparent you’re neither.


Marina del Rey
