
Problems of Highway Chases From Border Patrol Checkpoint

This regards the problem we have here in San Clemente with the Border Patrol chases through our city.

I might be missing something here, but I don’t understand how spending $30 million or so to move the checkpoint back 15 miles is going to change anything, except the chase will be 15 miles longer!

I’m not an engineer and I don’t profess to have all the answers, but how about something like this? About 100 yards or so past the guard stop, they could install those steel spikes used to puncture a tire if driven over the wrong way. Each guard would control his own lane, and with the press of a button he could activate the spikes to pop up and disable a vehicle. To stop the car from jumping into the next lane (trying to avoid the spikes), maybe cement barriers could be used to line both sides of the lane.


If we can put men on the moon, it seems to me we should be able to come up with a way to deal with this life-threatening problem.


San Clemente
