
‘Father’ of Dancing Raisin Ads Submits Resignation

Robert Phinney, the man who sold the California Raisin Advisory Board on its Dancing Raisins advertising campaign, will resign March 31.

Phinney, who has been director of domestic advertising and promotion for the board for the past 10 years, notified board members of his decision by letter.

Phinney gave no reason for his resignation and was not available for comment.

Several board members, including board Manager Clyde Nef, said the resignation came as a surprise. Nef said he had no idea why Phinney was resigning.


The board assesses raisin growers and uses the money to finance advertising and promotion.

Phinney was known as the “father of the California Dancing Raisins,” the Claymation raisin figures that sang and danced across the nation’s television screens to the tune of “I Heard It Through the Grapevine,” in an ad campaign touting the virtues of California raisins.

It turned out to be one of the most effective ad campaigns in the nation.

California raisin sales soared after the Dancing Raisins campaign began on prime time television in 1986. The board received more than $3 million from the sales of Dancing Raisins products such as stuffed figures, T-shirts, key chains and hats the first year.

While Nef and other board members said they did not know why Phinney is resigning, they pointed out that domestic and Canadian raisin sales have fallen off by 8.9% in the past six months, the first downturn in sales since the Dancing Raisins campaign began.
