
Concert Membership Drive Begins Monday

The Glendale Community Concert Assn. will conduct a five-day membership campaign beginning Monday for its six-concert 1990-91 season.

The series, which runs October through March, consists of: bass baritone Spiro Malas, popular and classical music on piano by the Hambro Quartet, recreations of Jimmy Dorsey’s hits in a Big Band Jamboree, works from Bach to the present by the Empire Brass, America’s story in variety songs by Keith and Rusty McNeil, and music by the Essex Quartet.

All concerts will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Sundays in the Glendale High School Auditorium, 1440 E. Broadway. Concert dates will be announced in August.


Subscription for the series is $24 for adults and $12 for youths. Individual tickets are not sold and no memberships will be sold after March 16.

Membership headquarters will be at Glendale Federal Bank, 700 N. Brand Blvd., from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The nonprofit, volunteer association arranges concerts in 600 cities through Columbia Artists. It has been active in Glendale since 1953.
