

Here are the median resale prices for existing homes in major metropolitan areas in the United States from October through December, followed by the percentage change from the same period in 1988, based on a survey by the National Assn. of Realtors.

City Price Percent Albuquerque, N.M. 81,700 7.8% Atlanta 85,000 5.6 Baltimore 97,600 8.9 Birmingham, Ala. 78,100 4.3 Boston 183,600 2.4 Charleston, S.C. 72,000 2.2 Charlotte, N.C. 90,500 5.4 Chicago 109,300 11.1 Cincinnati 75,700 7.8 Cleveland 74,400 7.4 Dallas 92,000 5.7 Denver 86,800 8.9 Detroit 73,600 0.3 El Paso 64,200 9.2 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 88,900 9.2 Hartford, Conn. 164,200 -0.5 Honolulu 280,900 24.8 Houston 62,600 10.2 Indianapolis 72,200 8.4 Las Vegas 87,600 9.2 Little Rock, Ark. 64,100 0.5 Los Angeles 217,000 13.6 Louisville, Ky. 58,000 5.3 Memphis, Tenn. 79,100 6.2 Miami 89,000 6.0 Milwaukee 79,700 9.0 Minn.-St. Paul 88,300 1.3 Nashville, Tenn. 77,700 1.6 New Orleans 72,200 1.8 New York 180,000 0.1 Oklahoma City 53,900 0.7 Philadelphia 111,600 7.2 Phoenix 77,500 -2.6 Pittsburgh, Pa. 66,500 5.9 Portland, Ore. 72,900 12.5 Sacramento 120,800 24.0 St. Louis 76,800 1.5 San Diego 178,700 13.7 San Francisco 260,600 12.1 Seattle 115,100 25.2 Washington 145,600 11.9 United States 92,800 4.6

Source: Associated Press
