
Orangewood Shelter’s Counselors

We, as former Orangewood Children’s Home counselors, are writing in regard to the article written about Orangewood and the alleged abuse occurring there. We are concerned that the article presented a biased viewpoint and that the general public, knowing little of the day-to-day operation of Orangewood, will have a negative image brought to mind each time Orangewood is mentioned.

Of equal importance is that we personally were hurt by the article. It must be understood that working at Orangewood is not a typical 9-to-5 job. To work at Orangewood is to open your heart and your life to care for hurting and abused children. When your day is over and you go home, you are not finished working; you worry about the children. Their problems become your problems. Their fears become your fears. And the next day you go back with love, dedication and hope to guide you through another day in making a difference in a child’s life.

Each day the group counselors strive to be there for the children. Field trips are continuously being taken. Counselors frequently take their own time after work to take children to the mall or to dinner to give them special one-on-one attention. During the holidays, many children who are not able to spend the day with their families are taken out of Orangewood to spend the day with a counselor and their family. These are dedicated individuals whose first priority is the children.


We hold the highest regard and respect for the group counselors at Orangewood. Their job is a most difficult one. We left Orangewood feeling proud of the work we did there and will continue to support the outstanding achievements of the counselors. We hope those who read the article will keep in mind that what was represented was one viewpoint and there are so many more of us who feel that our work at Orangewood is building self-esteem, providing crisis intervention, healing the hurts, and loving the children as our own.



This letter was also signed by three other former Orangewood counselors.
