
San Pedro Groups Unveil Own Vision of the Future


Hoping for more recreational and commercial development near downtown San Pedro, local business leaders and homeowners this week unveiled their own vision of the port’s waterfront over the next decade.

But the plan was viewed skeptically by some top port officials, who are planning to lease one prime waterfront site for an automobile-handling yard.

The proposal--and its cool reception by harbor officials--underscores a longstanding dispute between the port, the San Pedro Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and area residents over development in the West Bank, the waterfront south of the Vincent Thomas Bridge. For years, port officials have developed the area for harbor uses while the chamber and the San Pedro Peninsula Homeowners Coalition, disturbed by the industrial growth, have pushed for recreational and commercial uses that would bring more tourism.


Now, as the commission completes plans for a 10-year lease with American Honda along Berths 87-90, the chamber and coalition are urging the port to revise Honda’s lease so the auto yard can be relocated if the berths are needed for other projects. They also urged the port to take other steps that would shift future industrial development farther from Harbor Boulevard and bring expansion of the World Cruise Center south, not north, so planned hotels and recreational facilities will be closer to downtown San Pedro.

“What we are trying to do today with this proposal is present something constructive, some positive ideas so that the port can see, from a community standpoint, where we’d like to go in the long-term planning for the waterfront,” Leron Gubler, the chamber’s executive director, said in unveiling the plan Tuesday at the chamber’s offices.

“As far as I know . . . this is the first time that the two agencies most concerned about San Pedro--the business side and the home-owning side--have joined together in a unified decision on a specific, substantive issue. And I’m just delighted that we’re doing it,” added Noah Modisett, president of the homeowners group.


But Modisett’s delight was hardly shared by port officials, including Harbor Commission Secretary Peter Mandia, who immediately raised doubts about the proposals and bristled at the suggestion that port officials are indifferent to recreational/commercial development of the waterfront.

Noting that the port led the way years ago in building the San Pedro marina, Mandia said the Harbor Department and private developers have spent about $300 million over the last decade on recreational/commercial developments.

“Obviously, the community and the chamber are concerned about commercial/recreational development along the West Bank, and somehow it seems to suggest that the port has not been a participant . . . and I don’t think that’s true,” Mandia said.


At the same time, Mandia told chamber and coalition officials that development of the waterfront is dictated by market conditions and lease arrangements, not well-intentioned proposals. Mandia chided Tuesday’s proposal as one that “may look desirable . . . but creates an expectation” that the port can simply change the course of waterfront development.
