
Adobe Flores Is a Still Worthwhile Historical Site

I was delighted to see the in-depth article on our historic adobe (“Historic Adobe Flores . . . “ by Loretta Schertz Keller, Times, May 16), and I have been very pleased with the loving care (owner) Mr. (Wallace Robert) McCloskey has given the house.

How well I remember the day the large azaleas were ripped out and carted away before the groundbreaking for the new apartments. A tearful spectacle and one that few neighbors were alerted about, and those who were didn’t spread the word about the disastrous happening about to take place. A time when an insensitive mayor and City Council could have stepped in to save the site, or at least the house, for the city of South Pasadena. (I would like to note that (a portion of) the cactus garden of rare specimens is city owned.)

It’s important, too, to realize that although the “site’s historical value was destroyed by surrounding construction,” the house and cactus garden in no way have lost their importance as a historical monument, and many of us have the dream that one day it will belong to the city, to be enjoyed and seen by the public on a regular basis.



South Pasadena
