
Tax Increase: Debate Over Who Will Pay

Ever since Bush said the “T” word, the poor, the elderly, and especially the middle-class have started bracing themselves for another heavy hit they expect on their taxes and benefits. Here are a few of the ways to even the burden:

1. Roll back the pay raise for congressmen recently implemented. Rescind the pay raise for senators which is scheduled to kick in after the elections.

2. Close the tax loophole where the more affluent citizens can write off yachts and expensive motor homes as second home. That should not be too hard to do.


3. Do not cut the capital gains tax. The government will have an extremely hard sell to convince the elderly couple, living from Social Security check to Social Security, of the fairness of such a tax cut, especially if they are asked to take a cut on cost of living adjustments. How can cutting taxes increase revenues?

There are many other ways to make the load easier. This is everyone’s country; everyone must carry a fair load!


