
FREE SPEECH III: As we were leafing...

FREE SPEECH III: As we were leafing through a recent issue of the Record, the Parents’ Music Resource Center (PMRC) newsletter, it came as quite a shock to see pop activist Danny Goldberg cited as a supporter of voluntary record labeling--along with Cardinal John O’Connor and feminist Betty Friedan. And guess what? Goldberg, who runs Gold Mountain Records and heads the local chapter of the ACLU, was shocked too. Saying he adamantly opposes record labeling, he wrote a blistering letter to the PMRC late last month, noting: “I’m particularly angry that you would represent my point of view by taking a quote out of context . . . without asking me whether or not the quote was accurate.”

He added: “As Rolling Stone recently reported, the PMRC has a bad habit of misleading the public into the belief that people or organizations ‘support’ the PMRC when such support does not exist. . . . I would hope that the PMRC would join me and others in opposing the use of obscenity laws to prohibit adults from buying albums by 2 Live Crew, albums which have always had the kind of warning stickers you favor.”
