
Reforms and Reapportionment

Barnett is mistaken in his belief that reapportionment is the answer to California’s legislative woes. I understand his frustration but substituting one gerrymandered political map for another will not solve our problems.

The governor sets the tone for the legislative-executive relations in the state. If the governor is narrow-minded, intractable, devious and self-centered, the people are doomed to watch fruitless political posturing. When the state’s chief executive is jealous of power and faces the Legislature with a fortress mentality, the legislators will perforce set up their own domains. On the other hand, if the governor is open, conciliatory and genuinely interested about the people, the Legislature will follow accordingly. The question will be: Who can be the more statesmanlike? The issues would be discussed on the bases of integrity, dignity, truth and compassion.


