
Measures That Target the Use of Land

Re the “Yes on Measure C, No on Measure D” editorial (Oct. 14): This initiative is not going to “save the beaches or parks” but is directed specifically to thwart the construction of a sorely needed Par 3 golf course on about 100 acres of abandoned oil fields and mushroom farms located directly south of Central Park. This “self-supporting” course would serve some 400 golfers a day--most of them senior citizens--not counting the benefits of extending the green belt in the area.

What the chief architects of initiative C do not tell you is that they are residents in an affluent equestrian subdivision south of Ellis Avenue, and the area in question is used as their own private riding trail at no cost to them. Further, if you counted three or four at any one time riding there, you would count a lot. I am not talking about the established horse-riding corral in the area, which poses no problem. J.R. OSTERLIND, Huntington Beach
