
ENTERTAINING : California Parties--Past and Future

People in California have always known how to throw a party. In this issue we celebrate the state’s tradition of entertaining. Our authors reminisce about the way things were. A granddaughter remembers the barbacoas on the last rancho in California. California’s greatest cook recalls beach parties, abalone hunts and grunion runs in the ‘40s. In the ‘50s, a restaurant critic remembers waking up to find Ruby Keeler dancing in his living room. In the ‘60s, the best parties in town were Sunday-night suppers at the home of Roz and Gene Wyman. In the ‘80s, famous chefs threw potluck parties for themselves.

In the ‘90s, the tradition continues. Come join the party.

EDITOR: RUTH REICHL DESIGN DIRECTOR: DONALD BURGESS Assistant Editor: Laurie Ochoa Operations Director: Jefferson Stillwell Copy Editor: David N. Blume Recipe Tester: Donna Deane Art Production: Robert Stone EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: WALLACE GUENTHER
