
Ego-Motivated Act

Mike Boehm in his review of “Gathering of the Tribes” at the Pacific Amphitheatre (“Diversity Captures a Following,” Oct. 9), describes the disruption of the Indigo Girls’ set by rapper Ice-T as being “fun” and of “no great loss” to the audience.

As a member of that audience, I disagree.

The purpose of this festival was to unite people of all diversities through music.

However justified, in those moments of Ice-T’s “promenading,” unity was dismantled and replaced by one man’s selfish need for attention.

However “solemn” Mr. Boehm found the Indigo Girls’ onstage performance, the badly timed entrance of Ice-T should have been recognized as the callous, ego-motivated diversion that it actually was.



Buena Park
