
Waxman’s Help in Passing Clean Air Act

The air we breathe and gas prices at the pump imprison, without walls, a segment of society. If you have respiratory ailments and are too young or too old, you are advised to stay indoors when the air is declared bad by the AQMD.

Or if you live on a poverty-level income and own a car out of necessity, you are probably now skimping on necessities, such as decent food for the family so that you can feed the gas pumps in order to get to your job.

Should you wish to drive for the pleasure of glimpsing the ocean, mountains or desert, forget it! We are drowning in oil we cannot afford as oil prices rise to heighten our walls. I propose a program that issues gas stamps for all citizens on fixed and poverty-level incomes, to be financed by the oil industry.


As for the air quality, all I can propose is that we quit inhaling. Exhale only!


Panorama City
