
Darwinists, Creationists and Evolution

Although he is critical of Darwinists (as I also am), Johnson misses the real weakness of their claims. There is nothing unreasonable or even unscientific about a view that “microorganisms evolved from non-living chemicals and eventually” assumed some form of plant or animal life, even without divine intervention or guidance, although that might be considered merely a working hypothesis.

The real problem, for which Darwinists can’t provide a scientific answer, is: Where did the chemicals ultimately come from? In this respect, both Darwinist and creationists stand on faith. The Darwinist faith lies in the unprovable belief that matter either created itself or existed from all eternity. The creationist’s faith lies in the unprovable belief that God created at least the ultimate matter that would eventually combine to form various kinds of life.

Both positions rest on differing interpretations of the same evidence, and the validity of neither interpretation is conclusively demonstrable. They are matters of faith.



