
Don’t Delay Transit Improvements Too Long

I would like to offer some comments on the recently defeated Measure A Transportation Initiative.

A popular television commercial for an oil filter points out that you can pay now for a new filter--or later with a new engine. An analogy can be drawn to transportation needs in Ventura County. There is a very clear need to address our transportation problems, including projects on U. S. 101 at Vineyard Avenue and Johnson Drive, completion of the Moorpark Freeway, the commuter train from Moorpark and Simi Valley, improved public transit systems, building bicycle paths throughout the county, dial-a-ride and improved services for our elderly and handicapped citizens, etc.

The voters have determined not to pay for these services now, but the need will only grow, as will the cost. Eventually, we will pay. Let us hope that we don’t delay too long as costs rise, pollution only gets worse and our transit-dependent citizens wait at home.


It took Orange County voters three attempts to realize that they could no longer afford the delay. I hope the sensible people of Ventura County learn this lesson much sooner.

