
Pete Schabarum on Term Limits

By printing Gerald Uelmen’s opposition to term limits, you helped make it clearer why term limits have become necessary (“Does Laming the Legislature Upset the Constitution?” Commentary, Nov. 13).

Those of us who support term limits do so because the Legislature, like Uelmen, has become too clever by half. It has become a chummy club of careerists with little respect for real people and their everyday problems. As our Golden State slowly loses its luster, they use excuse after excuse for why they do not act.

We want real solutions to the problems of real people: An economy strong enough so we can get a good job, a house we can afford and a way to get from the house to the job in a short period of time.


The Legislature has failed to do this. That is simply more important than Uelmen’s dainty little concerns about whether the people’s term limit “amendment” is so severe that it should be called a term limit “revision,” and thus have the question turned over to the very legislators we are trying to get rid of.


San Francisco
