
MOORPARK : School Board Puts Off Vote on Its Pay

The Moorpark school board Tuesday broached the touchy subject of $200-a-month compensation for board members, but concern over the district’s budget prompted them to put the item on hold until next year’s budget discussions.

Supt. Thomas G. Duffy was directed to draft board policy regarding compensation and to check with comparable districts to see what payment board members receive.

Board member Cynthia Hubbard brought up the subject because board members’ work has expanded. The Moorpark Unified School District has seven schools, with an eighth scheduled to open in September, 1991.


“There is so much business for us, including time off from business and family,” Hubbard said. “When we just had three schools, there was not as much business as now.”

Board member Tom Baldwin agreed. “It’s been my observation that this position has cost me $1,000 a year in phone bills, postage to constituents and time off from work. I didn’t run for the school board with any idea of getting rich, but I don’t think I should find myself in a losing situation.”

However, Cynthia Coler, the teacher representative to the board, warned members about the district’s budget. “At our school site, things seem to be getting tighter and tighter. My concern would be: How does this fit into the budget?”


The board policy will include the stipulation that any board member who does not want compensation can donate the money back to the school district.
