
‘Women and AIDS’ Focus of Annual Observance

The third annual World AIDS Day has been set for Saturday. The United States is one of more than 150 countries that have set aside this day to draw attention to the pandemic disease, according to a recent issue of NEA Today, the magazine of the National Education Assn.

The NEA is a U.S. co-sponsor of AIDS Day, along with the American Assn. for World Health, the Pan American Health Organization and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The theme of the 1990 observance is “Women and AIDS.” An estimated 150,000 women have developed the disease since 1980, and 2 million are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. During the ‘80s, an estimated 200,000 infants were born with HIV infection contracted from their mothers.


The theme also acknowledges women’s role in preventing infection with HIV and in caring for people with HIV infection or with AIDS.

The American Assn. for World Health is producing a free kit that contains activities suggestions, a resource directory for AIDS educational materials, proclamations and the 1990 poster.

To get on the mailing list for World AIDS Day, send your name and address to the American Assn. for World Health, 2001 S. Street, N.W. Suite 530, Dept. A90, Washington, D.C. 20009.


“When riding the train of life, you never have to worry about which station is yours; there will be people there telling you where to get off.”

--Will Rogers (1879-1935)
