
Hand-Wringing by Democrats

What fools we Democrats be! After squandering much of our slender resources on trying to save Assembly Speaker Willie Brown’s hide and outspent $7 million to $2 million to get out the vote, we still retained both legislative houses and five of the seven statewide offices. Therefore, John Burton, Bill Carrick and other party officials wring their hands, complain and point fingers while jockeying for position for their U.S. Senate candidates (Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer) and thoroughly nauseate the populace with their whining.

Perhaps the whiners should ask themselves why the voters pulled the levers for Democrats Leo McCarthy, March Fong Eu, Gray Davis, Kathleen Brown and John Garamendi only to cross over and vote for Pete Wilson and Dan Lungren. Our skinny $2 million got out our voters, but it seems, however, the independent voters still have a mind of their own and can be convinced only by the candidates themselves. But now the urge to infight and slice throats is just too tempting for the whiners--as tempting as those two juicy U.S. Senate seats.


Los Angeles
