
PLACENTIA : IBM Grant Requires Project of Teachers

Eight teachers at Brookhaven Elementary School will have to do more than just use textbooks and instructional films in their science lessons over the next two years. By June, 1992, they will have to come up with instruction plans that use computers as well.

Under terms of a $115,000 grant from International Business Machines Corp., the teachers will create eight to 12 science lesson plans for students in grades four through six, said Brookhaven Principal Phil Hergenreder. The lessons will be used as models that IBM will pass along to other elementary schools.

“What IBM wants is a way their equipment can be used in lesson plans,” said Jerry Jertberg, the director of educational support programs at Placentia Unified School District. “In two years, we are responsible for creating those lessons.”


The grant includes a loan of 28 IBM computers, three printers and other IBM software, as well as training and technical assistance from computer consultants. IBM will donate the equipment to Brookhaven in 1992 if the program is successful, Hergenreder said.

The computer equipment will be installed at Brookhaven starting this month, he said.
