
Pomona : Recycling Fee Imposed

The City Council has imposed a fee of $1.50 a month on homeowners to pay for a new curbside recycling program.

The fee will go into effect Feb. 1.

Robert A. DeLoach, city public works director, said the increase is necessary to help pay the cost of the program, estimated at $543,000 a year. The city will net $82,000 from selling recyclable materials and save $30,000 by taking less trash to a dump.

But, DeLoach said, it is unlikely that revenue from recyclable materials and savings on dump fees will ever equal the cost of collecting and separating the recyclable waste.


The council approved the fee Monday by a vote of 3 to 1.

Councilwoman Nell Soto voted against the recycling fee, saying, “I have a great deal of trepidation about imposing another tax on the people.”

Councilman Tomas Ursua abstained, saying that the proposed recycling program is not adequate.
