
4-Year University Needed

As a resident since 1979, I would like to express my deep concern for the need for the four-year university in Ventura County.

I feel our area is unique in that we have the only deep-water port between Los Angeles and San Francisco. We grow the world’s best strawberries and many wonderful fruits and vegetables. And with new industry looking at our area daily for a place to locate their facilities, there is a growing need for more skilled workers.

My husband and I are owners of a small business in the Financial Plaza of Oxnard. We are both active in a variety of community activities, and I constantly see where having the university in this area would offer such a positive opportunity to all ages. Having the example for all local students to set goals to achieve would be of immeasurable benefit for the entire county. We have some beautiful, bright people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, which I believe also offers a special opportunity for us.


I would like to see the university in Oxnard--but, more than that, having it located somewhere in the county is of vital importance.


