
U.N. Vote Against Israel on Palestinians

It’s good news for Israel that the U.N. has passed a resolution advocating a peace conference for Israel and its Arab neighbors. It has also been a long time coming.

This resolution should have been made in 1947 when the U.N. plan for dividing then-Palestine into two countries, one Jewish and one Arab, was rejected by Arabs. Or a year later when Israel declared its independence and the Arabs immediately invaded. It should have been made in 1950 when Jordan annexed the West Bank and forbade Jews access to Old Jerusalem. It should have been made in 1967 when international waterways, the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Aqaba, were closed to Israeli shipping. Or in 1973, when Arabs invaded Israel on Yom Kippur. And after Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979, where was the resolution advocating that other Arab countries make peace with Israel?

Israel should immediately call for peace talks with its Arab neighbors. We shall then see if Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq will recognize Israel’s right to exist and make peace.



Los Angeles
