
East Hard Hit by First Snow of Winter

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

The first blast of winter hit the East Coast on Friday, knocking out power to thousands of residents, disrupting flights and delaying or detouring commuters.

Hundreds of fender-benders and other accidents were reported as motorists adjusted to the snow for the first time this winter, authorities said.

At least three deaths in Connecticut were described by authorities as weather-related: Two men suffered heart attacks when shoveling snow, and a 17-year-old died when the car he was traveling in slid off the road and overturned.


The heaviest snowfall was reported in Pennsylvania, where Bedford received 13 inches, Altoona had 11 and Somerset 9.

Martinsburg, W. Va., was buried under at least 10 inches of snow, and freezing rain turned West Virginia’s highways into skating rinks, authorities said.

Seven inches of wet snow fell in New York City’s Central Park, just a few days after record high temperatures in the 60s.


Airports in New York City reported delays of 45 minutes to an hour because of the weather.
