
VFW Signs Up New Veterans of Persian Gulf War

Associated Press

The Veterans of Foreign Wars is eyeing the half-million U.S. servicemen who were sent to the Persian Gulf as potential new life for its aging organization, its leader said.

“We’re already recruiting,” said national Commander-in-Chief James Kimery. “We’ve got something like 15,000 of them already signed up.”

The VFW, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., represents 2.2 million veterans. Kimery is touring several states, discussing the homecoming of the troops as well as legislation before Congress that will affect veterans’ benefits.


The VFW is organizing the official homecoming festivities in Washington on July 4, the day President Bush has called for a nationwide celebration, Kimery said. He also is encouraging each of the 11,000 VFW posts to hold its own celebration.

The recent surge in patriotism associated with the short war will help the VFW in its lobbying efforts in Congress to increase veterans’ benefits and maintain a strong national defense budget, he said.

Soldiers won’t feel frustrated or ashamed of their service in the Persian Gulf as some did after the Vietnam War, he said.
