
Tofflers on New Warfare Theory

The Tofflers refer to the space dependency of the military (March 6) with satellites used for the first time in a major war. They mention such applications as arms control verification, early warning, precision targeting and others--and there may well be applications which remain top secret.

Thus war has been introduced to space and, with the enemy lacking in any space technology, the United States was supreme in its ability to have satellites roam freely. But what about our next enemy--and history tells us there will be one--conceivably with space capabilities? Surely, unless there is international agreement precluding war in space, one might realistically imagine a “Star Wars” scenario with weaponry capable of destroying satellites.

With the end of the Gulf War and the realization that the theaters of war are now expanded to include space in addition to land and sea, our focus should be on rendering space a neutral area outside the domain of any nation.


BENNETT L. NEWMAN, Pacific Palisades
