
Navy’s Gulf Role

Melissa Healy’s article “Navy Riding Out Storm of Criticism of Gulf War Role” (Part A, April 28) not only misses the mark--it demeans the service of the thousands of Navy men and women who served and who continue to serve in the Gulf.

What storm of criticism? By now, most people in this country have discounted the protestations of a few individuals, and an aggressive reporter like Healy can easily dig up anonymous sources to support any point of view. The fact is that along with the Army and Air Force, the Navy and Marine Corps performed magnificently in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. That has been documented extensively and even Healy’s article cites but a few of the many examples of this admirable effort. America should be proud of the superb contributions of all our men and women in uniform.

The Navy believes it counterproductive to our national security interests to engage in self-aggrandizement at the expense of other services. Healy interviewed Navy Undersecretary Dan Howard and neglected to report that Howard praised the role of all the services for a job well-done!



Secretary of the Navy, Washington
