
Rancho Park : Yeshiva Changes Its Name

Yeshiva University of Los Angeles has changed its name to Yeshiva of Los Angeles, said Meyer H. May, its executive director.

The school, in existence since 1977, changed its name at the request of New York-based Yeshiva University, but it will remain affiliated to the theological seminary of the East Coast university, May said.

The decision was made last fall but was implemented only in recent weeks.

“The reason we made the change is that the name implied academic programs such as math, science and English, and our undergraduate program was simply Judaic studies, so it was better expressed by the link to the seminary instead of the broader implications of Yeshiva University,” May said.


The Yeshiva of Los Angeles has about 20 men in its college undergraduate program, May said. It also provides secular and religious studies for 345 high school boys and girls and 2,000 adults through evening classes.
