
COSTA MESA : Former School Site to Become Reservoir

Trustees of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District have agreed to terms on the sale of a former elementary school to the Mesa Consolidated Water District, which plans to use the site for an underground reservoir and pumping station.

The agreement calls for the school district to sell more than 5 acres of field and playground area at the old Lindbergh Elementary School site for the 20-million-gallon reservoir and an above-ground pumping station.

The school district will also lease another 4 acres at the site to the water district for an easement during construction for $8,373.43 a month.


The Mesa Consolidated Water District, which serves Costa Mesa, has five days to sign the agreement.

Newport-Mesa Assistant Supt. Thomas Godley said the school district will retain ownership of the buildings at the Lindbergh site, which is being leased by Vineyard Christian School, and full access to the areas being sold.

The school board’s decision brought no protests Tuesday night, but a decision last month to bypass an environmental impact study for the reservoir raised concerns among residents. They said such a project would decrease property values by increasing dust and traffic during construction.


Bonds and an average $7 monthly water bill increase will pay for the project.
