
Culture Clash Tests Network Waters

While it is encouraging that Culture Clash is being given the chance to portray Latinos in a way that emphasizes their American heritage rather than the same old stereotypes, it is ironic that the producer of their upcoming TV series, Cheech Marin--a Latino--is unwilling to afford the same considerations to the Asian character in his series, the heavily accented Mrs. Chow.

As Steve Weinstein pointed out June 16 in “Testing the Waters (Again),” Asian-Americans have also been under-represented on television. Hollywood has usually chosen only to acknowledge the immigrant generation and not those families that have been in this country for four or five generations.

How can Marin understand the unfair stereotypes Latinos have had to endure yet not see the parallel struggle of the Asian people? Why is an Asian-American actress like Lauren Tom again forced to speak with an accent and play the stereotypically materialistic Chinese?


Surely Tom can be just as humorous without having to rely on the weak foundation of the Asian immigrant characterization. I do have a sense of humor. I just can’t get past the hypocrisy of Marin’s rationalizations.


