
Abortion and Birth Control

In response to “Why Bush’s Flip-Flop on Family Planning?” by Rep. Peter H. Kostmayer, Commentary, July 24:

Rep. Kostmayer (D-Pa.) attacked President Bush for his opposition to funding abortion referrals through our tax dollars. Of course, he talks around the subject by mentioning contraceptives, population control and family planning. His main point, however, is that abortion is the same as other birth control, and the government should do nothing to differentiate.

Most Americans see a great moral difference between birth control, which prevents conception, and abortion, which takes the life of a child already conceived. Abortion is not family planning.


Promotion of unlimited abortions at taxpayer expense only guarantees a high rate of abortion. Kostmayer’s column is an attempt to divert public attention from the real agenda--abortion as a method of birth control. President Bush, in opposing funding of abortion and abortion promotion, is helping the pro-life movement put an end to the destruction of already conceived children and restore legal protection for their lives.

FATHER THOMAS J. BURDICK, Pastor of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Director of Pro-Life, San Bernardino, Diocese, Riverside
