
Hollywood Police

I am writing to clarify a statement in the article on crime in Hollywood (“Gangs Blamed for Rising Crime in Hollywood,” Part A, July 29).

The reporter included a paraphrased quotation which suggests that I described Hollywood Division police officers as “vindictive” in response to my earlier position calling for Chief Daryl Gates to resign. The word “vindictive” is the reporter’s choice, not mine. I have never used the word “vindictive” to describe Hollywood Division officers, nor do I believe that Hollywood Division officers have reduced their level of service to the Hollywood community in any way since the beginning of the controversy about the police department.

On the contrary, I believe that Hollywood Division officers are trying their best, in very difficult circumstances, to quell the crimes and disturbances caused by the presence of gangs. Any disagreements between Gates and me have no impact on the level of police services in Hollywood.



Los Angeles City Council
