
Care for Disabled Children

In response to “Friends Bury Boy Who Changed System” (Oct. 24):

As executive director of Lanterman Development Center, which was home for this unfortunate child for the last five years, I am compelled to respond to the description of this center as “the confines of an impersonal institution.” Through the years, we have done everything possible to move away from the “institutional” image by providing a personalized, homelike environment. Our residents wear their own clothing, their bedrooms are decorated with their personal belongings and every attempt is made to provide programs and services to meet each individual’s needs. Our greatest asset is a very dedicated staff who take pride and joy in their work, and who go out of their way (frequently on their own time) in providing personalized care to each of our residents.

It’s unfortunate that you choose to perpetuate the stereotype of an “impersonal institution.” It is a grave disservice to over 1,500 hard-working staff, and an inaccurate depiction of the lives of the people we serve. I invite you to visit us and see where our residents live, go to school or work and enjoy their leisure time, and to meet some of the employees who so caringly work to meet their needs. Watch the human interaction. You will learn that this community is far from being an “impersonal institution.”

DAVID BOURNE, Executive Director

Lanterman Development Center, Pomona
