
PALOS VERDES PENINSULA : Sheriff’s Probe Asked in Break-In at School

Palos Verdes Peninsula school officials said Wednesday that they have asked the Sheriff’s Department to investigate whether two students who broke into a high school office to change grade records should be prosecuted.

The students were among 14 who were suspended from Palos Verdes Peninsula High School in the grade-tampering scheme. Among the students referred to law enforcement authorities was a 19-year-old high school senior whom school officials discovered was enrolled in the district illegally, Principal Kelly Johnson said. That student has been dismissed, Johnson said. The senior and another student were the only ones whose cases were sent to the Sheriff’s Department because they broke into the counseling office, he said.

In addition to five-day suspensions, the students will be denied letters of recommendation to colleges, Johnson said. They also will be dismissed from honor societies and will receive unsatisfactory marks in citizenship in all of the courses in which grades were altered.
