
COUNTYWIDE : Agency on Aging to Take Grant Requests

A county agency that doles out almost $1 million a year to groups that provide services to people 60 and over will begin accepting grant proposals for the 1992-93 fiscal year today, officials said.

The lion’s share of funds that the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging plans to disburse next year will go toward nutritional programs for seniors, Executive Director Colleen L. House said.

More than $700,000 of the agency’s $973,425 budget will be given to providers of meals or to organizations that deliver meals to homebound seniors, House said. Providers of transportation, legal assistance, home care and wellness promotion also will receive funding.


Grant application materials may be picked up in the agency’s third-floor offices at 505 Poli St.

Applications must be filed by April 13 to be considered.
